Friday, March 1, 2019

Specifics About the Budget, part 3

This posting is one of a series of CVSD Board communications about the proposed 2019-2020 school budget.

Article IX relates to bus purchases. Voters are asked to authorize borrowing up to $485,000 for the purpose of purchasing five school buses. Currently, the district has a fleet of 62 buses. Our goal is to replace five to six vehicles each year, keeping the average age of a bus to eight years.

* Please note: The printed flyer that is arriving inserted into local newspapers this week has a typo and states that we have a fleet of 562 buses! As much as some folks in our transportation shop would like to have 562 buses - one for every 8 kids - we really only need 62. This is an increase from 59 as we added three buses to provide transportation for Charlotte Central School last year.

To provide further opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback, we are offering a series of budget information meetings across the CVSD. The list of meetings can be found on the district’s website and you are welcome to attend any presentations that are convenient for you. In addition, our website page has many resources, including our Annual Report and our FY 2019-2020 Proposed Budget Flyer, and our budget FAQ’s.

Hard copies of our Annual Report can be found at each school and town office or can be mailed to you by calling 985-1914. The CVSD Board Budget Meetings were recorded and can be viewed at Lastly, email us at with any questions.

The Champlain Valley School District Annual Meeting takes places at CVU, room 160 on Monday March 4 at 5:00 pm. Join us! 

We encourage all residents in Champlain Valley School District towns to vote either on March 5th or earlier at your town offices.

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