Thursday, December 16, 2021

Non-Credible School Violence Threats on TikTok

December 16, 2021

Hello CVSD Staff, Families, and Caregivers,

I wanted to alert you to information that CVSD and all Vermont school districts and supervisory unions received on the afternoon of December 15, 2021, from Secretary of Education Dan French regarding some non-credible school-based threats circulating on the TikTok social media platform.

These posts with non-credible school-based threats have made their way into Vermont, and other states in our region are reporting similar social media activity. These posts describe the potential for school-based violence on December 17, 2021. We want to stress again that, at this time, there is no credibility to any of these threats. The Vermont Intelligence Center and our law enforcement partners across the state will continue to monitor this situation and keep us updated if anything changes.

If you believe your child is active on social media and you feel it’s appropriate, please have a conversation with them to make them aware of this situation. As always, if you have any school safety concerns, we encourage you to contact your local law enforcement agency to make them aware of this information. We take these situations very seriously and collaborate closely with all of our school safety stakeholders to provide an open, safe and welcoming environment. The safety of your children and our staff is our number one priority.

If you or your child become aware of any potential threat posted to social media or anywhere else, please notify a school staff member or trusted adult right away.

We know that these non-credible threats may increase fear and anxiety in your student, your school, and within your family. As the lead representative of the school district and as a parent with students in CVSD schools, I can understand both of those emotions. We trust the information that we have received from the Agency of Education and the Vermont Intelligence Center regarding this issue. We hope to ease your student’s and your family’s concerns about these social media posts by sharing this letter.

Should we have any additional information presented to the district, we will let you know as soon as possible.

Thank you so very much,

Rene Sanchez, Superintendent

Champlain Valley School District

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