Thursday, September 13, 2018

From Our Houses to Yours

We came across this article earlier, celebrating a high school in California. They are doing a terrific job looking out for the well-being of their students by creating a house structure for their ninth graders. This helps to ease them into life at high school by creating smaller communities to build relationships and provides support. Teachers work in teams to truly meet their students’ needs. Advisory groups are in place to offer further support and relationships.

Sound familiar? Upon further research, we determined that the ninth grade house system at CVU was put in place 34 years ago! We often pride ourselves on leading the way, and this is a perfect example. Our ninth graders are settling in, building relationships, and have started classes within the core and are exploring a few electives beyond as well. The house system also continues in many of our K-8 schools, which has been a part of culture for years for many of the same reasons.

Thank you to the forward-thinking educators who made this happen 34 years ago and to those in CVSD today who keep us on the leading edge.

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