Sunday, February 24, 2019

Specifics About the Budget, part 2

This posting is one of a series of CVSD Board communications about the proposed 2019-2020 school budget.

Article VIII on this year’s ballot asks voters to approve applying some of the district’s fund balance to offset taxes. Because consolidation allows for pooling all revenue and expenses, the district is in a position to draw down cash reserves left over from prior years’ budgets. This article asks voters to authorize the Board of School Directors to assign $500,000 as revenue for the 2019-2020 school year (reducing the tax amount needed to be raised in this year’s budget cycle), assign up to $1,000,000 of the school district's current fund balance to the District’s Construction Fund for facilities repairs and maintenance projects, and assign the remaining balance $1,829,698 as revenue for future budgets.

We have divided the maintenance plan into immediate needs and long term projects. The immediate needs are those that directly affect the health and safety of our students and staff. Article VIII on this year’s ballot asks voters to authorize transferring $1,000,000 of the CVSD reserve account to the construction fund in order to tackle these urgent needs without incurring more debt. Learn more about the 5-year capital improvement plan on our website.

To provide further opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback, we are offering a series of budget information meetings across the CVSD. The list of meetings can be found on the district’s website and you are welcome to attend any presentations that are convenient for you. 

In addition, our budget website page has many resources, including our Annual Report, our FY 2019-2020 Proposed Budget Flyer, and our budget FAQ’s. Hard copies of our Annual Report can be found at each school and town office or can be mailed to you by calling 985-1914. The CVSD Board Budget Meetings were recorded and can be viewed at Lastly, email us at with any questions. 

We encourage all residents in Champlain Valley School District towns to vote either on March 5th or earlier at your town offices.

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