Saturday, March 23, 2019

Hashtags Help Us Share Our Story

The term hashtag was first used in 2007. Since then it has permeated our lives and most of us have some level of understanding of how it's used today. But did you know that there's power in the hashtag in terms of education? What we also refer to as the number sign has taken on a special meaning for those in our schools. 

In the Champlain Valley School District, we have many hashtags that our schools and educators use to share events, highlights, and help tell our story. This past week, Angela Filion, principal at the Allen Brook School, shared a tweet that was incredibly well-received. How do we know that? It was liked and retweeted a lot, at least by our standards! (20 retweets and 184 likes as of this writing)

Angela did not use hashtags in her tweet, but did include the usernames or accounts (look for the @ sign), which signaled to others that they were mentioned in the tweet. Her tweet was noticed and featured in this Burlington Free Press article, spreading the word even further.  We're honored that UVM men's basketball star Anthony Lamb chose to devote time in a very important week to young students at ABS. Though UVM didn't win their game in the tournament, they're winners to us.

Hashtags help us reach a wider audience. Searches on Twitter and Instagram by hashtag result in a bevy of posts in which those hashtags are featured. It's a way to filter or narrow down the many tweets or posts. Many CVSD schools and educators in our district include the #cvsdvt hashtag in their tweets and Instagram posts. It helps those who want to see what's happening in the district find those all in one place. There are many educators within our schools using these hashtags ranging from administrators, classroom teachers, librarians, athletics, and specific departments. 

Search for these usernames and hashtags on Twitter as another way to get a window into what's happening in our schools: 

CVSD District   @cvsdvt           #cvsdvt
Hinesburg          @hcslearns      #hcslearns
Charlotte            @ccscvsd        #ccscvsd
Shelburne           @SCSLearns  #scslearns
CVU                                           #cvuhs  
There are a variety of accounts associated with CVU! Check out @CVULearns and @CVUAthletics to get started.

In the coming week, you'll see tweets coming from our schools celebrating Public Schools Week and incorporating these hashtags as well. 
National hashtags: #publicschoolproud and #psw19
Vermont-specific hashtags: #celebratevted and #vted
We thank the many educators in CVSD who are helping to communicate in a variety of ways with our communities. 

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