Friday, March 29, 2019

WCS Earns 1st Place

Each year at the end of March, a special history-based event takes place at Vermont Technical College in Randolph. The event is called 3D Vermont. Teams of students from middle and high schools across Vermont share their learning and a piece of local history. They also compete in an effort to showcase their learning and design skills.

Each team studies a building in their town's history. The learn about the building, it's story, and it's place in the town. They interview people and do extensive research. After that, they use a program called Sketch-Up to design a 3D version of the building. A 3D printer is used to create and print a replica of the building from their design.

Williston Central School's Voyager team has sent a team to 3D Vermont for each of the last 4 years. Each year the group has learned about a different building in Williston. This group of students, led by teacher Aron Merrill and librarian Ellen Arapakos, met once a week after school for many weeks doing the necessary work to prepare for the event.

And today, it all came together for them. They shared their learning with judges via videos of their process and a physical display. They showcased their 3D model of the Thomas Chittenden/Clark Family Farm in Williston And they came away with a first place win for a middle school team.

Bravo to all of the students and their teachers for a job well done! Watch for them on tonight's TV news too.

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