Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Jane Goodall Visits Classrooms

Many CVSD educators have incorporated the Global Goals for Sustainable Development into the classroom and the work they do with students. Earlier this morning, several of our kindergarten classes had an opportunity to connect with a famous expert to bring some of those goals to life.

Sharon Davison, at the Allen Brook School, and Shannon Baird, at Shelburne Community School, have collaborated many times this school year. They share ideas, connect their kindergarten classes, and are helping to raise student (and parent!) awareness of the Global Goals. Sharon and Shannon have shared their experiences with others at workshops and conferences, most recently at the Kindergarten Conference in Burlington.

This morning, both classes, as well as others in our schools and around the world, participated in a Skype in the Classroom opportunity with Dr. Jane Goodall.
"Skype in the Classroom will celebrate Earth Day throughout the month of April to build awareness and inspire the next generation of sustainable leaders to take action. Today, Skype in the Classroom partnered with the Jane Goodall Institute’s Roots & Shoots program for a broadcast and live chat with Dr. Jane Goodall."
Technology helps to bring more opportunities like this into our classrooms and our students benefit from these rich learning experiences.

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