Thursday, August 15, 2019

HCS Student Swims Across the Lake!

Geo Debrosse just finished swimming across Lake Champlain for his 8th grade PLP project!
Geo is a rising 9th grader at CVU. One of his former Hinesburg teachers, Jen Bradford shared the following about Geo's accomplishment this summer.

"He set a goal that was meaningful and relevant to him—and that could be considered a personal stretch—and set about attaining it. It was clear he was passionate about it and committed to the action. He realized it could be something this powerful; he never looked back or thought about just taking an easier route. It’s pretty amazing what he did. I’m super proud of him—we all are—but what is really cool is that he will have this memory forever and is super proud of himself."

All students in our district are engaged in personalized learning, starting at least in the 7th grade and continuing at CVU through 12th grade with other passion-driven projects.

View the featured story about Geo on WCAX here. 

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