Tuesday, November 26, 2019

CVU Sleepout for Spectrum

Thank you to Mia Brumsted, student co-president at CVU, for sharing this post and photos with us.

On Thursday night, 61 CVU students and faculty (and two dogs) slept outside in solidarity with the homeless youth in our community. Despite some rain and intense wind in the morning, the sleep out was a major success. We raised over $7,000 for Spectrum Youth and Family Services and their efforts to support homeless and at-risk youth. After the rain died down at about 11pm, many students reemerged from their tents to sing and play games around the campfire. After a chilly night with little sleep, everyone woke up early the next morning to get to clubs and classes on time in order to experience the difficulties that students with home insecurity face every day.

Here's a link to the WCAX story about the Sleepout.

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