Friday, March 20, 2020

March 20, 2020 Update

March 20, 2020

Dear CVSD Community,

Despite the ongoing news about the coronavirus and our imposed distance from one another, know that we are working hard to support you and your children during this trying time. As we stated yesterday, most communications will come from schools starting next week. You likely already heard from your schools today, and if not, you will.


In this time of school closure, we want to assure the community that all students who need free meals are receiving them. In addition, any family who has had a change in its financial situation and requires free student meals going forward is immediately eligible. No one will be turned away from CVSD food service.

We want to thank and acknowledge the heroes in our schools who can’t work remotely, but must come into the building to prepare and deliver meals for vulnerable students, and keep the children of emergency workers safe so their parents can continue to work. As Mr. Rogers says, “look for the helpers”... and thank them!


CVSD is working directly with those families who are eligible to receive childcare under the Governor’s “Childcare for Essential Personnel” order. As a reminder, families are eligible for childcare for their enrolled student(s) if both parents fall into one of the Essential Personnel Categories identified by the state.

For those families of Essential Personnel seeking childcare for infants, toddlers, and other non-enrolled children, the State of Vermont is working to connect families with available options. See the following information from Let’s Grow Kids Vermont:

Help Finding Child Care for Essential Persons 

Essential workers who need help finding child care should visit: Families can also call 2-1-1 ext. 6, or call 1-877-705-9008 to speak to a child care referral specialist.
Eligible families can complete the form and the State, through the Agency of Education for school-aged children through grade 8 or through DCF, Child Development Division for younger children will work to connect essential workers who need child care with options for their children.

Maintenance of Learning

Faculty and staff members across the district have been working incredibly hard at designing supplemental learning opportunities. Maintenance of Learning officially begins on Monday, March 23rd.

Online Video Conferences

Many of our educators may use a video conferencing tool from Google called Hangouts/Meet to connect with students. This is intended to maintain relationships and check-in. We have created a document on which you will find initial thoughts about what families should consider and expect during those online meetings. Teachers will be reaching out to families, especially those in our PreK-8 schools, with more information.


And finally, we would like to collect examples of how we’re all staying strong and celebrating the positive things during this unusual and challenging time. If you have a short anecdote or photo, please share it using this form.

Thank you again for all YOU are doing to support your children and one another,

The Champlain Valley School District Administration

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