Thursday, April 9, 2020

Continuity of Learning and Staying Strong

April 9, 2020

Dear CVSD Community,

Whether in-person or online, CVSD is committed to providing a safe and welcoming learning environment for students and staff. We have now had a few weeks to adjust to this new situation and there is still work to be done to iron out all of the details. We know that families are still adapting to being home, working from home, and supporting learning from home. This is not an easy task. We appreciate all that you are doing to provide all that is needed for your children. We are all trying to make the best of a challenging time. We miss the students and we miss in-person school!

In this update, you’ll find information regarding:

  • Continuity of Learning
  • April vacation
  • Links to free meals for children 18 and under
  • CVSDStrong

Continuity of Learning begins April 13

CVSD faculty and staff have been working diligently since in-person schooling ended. They have been learners, they have been collaborators, they have been advocates for their students. Please understand we will continue to do all we can to meet the unique needs of each student and family. This will likely require patience as responsive practices evolve based on feedback and engagement during this phase.

Faculty and staff have been preparing for the next phase which begins on Monday. Local schools will soon communicate details pertaining to this Remote Learning phase with students and families. Plans are being designed and informed by the following:
  • Feedback from students and families on the recent district survey have been shared with teachers and teaching teams. Thank you for the feedback; it has been extremely helpful. Systems will be in place in the school plans for getting input in the future.
  • District-wide guidance and expectations for Remote Learning have been established and shared with all teachers.
  • Plans are being submitted to school-level administrators and shared with district colleagues to accommodate collaboration.
  • Plans are designed to promote Connections, Engagement, and Learning.

April Vacation Week (April 20-24)

The Vermont Agency of Education shared that school districts will abide by the established calendar. Therefore, we will not be connecting for remote learning during that week. Teachers may provide additional, optional activities and enrichment opportunities for families who desire to access them. We also plan to continue to provide free school meals for those age 18 and under at all of the current pick-up locations.

Food Service

CVSD is providing free meals to all children ages 18 and younger. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays you can pick up two days worth of breakfasts and lunches for each child. Click on the link below or on our website to choose your pick-up location and your choice of lunch entrees. Saturday’s meal will be “chef’s choice”. If you can not pick up meals at the times listed, please contact your foodservice director or building principal to discuss options.

Meal service will continue during the April break. Check the link on Friday, April 17th for an updated menu.


Thank you once again to those that are sharing examples of how we remain strong through this challenging time. Here’s the latest CVSDStrong video:

CVU students put together this video and the Student Council gave us permission to share it. They are finding ways to stay entertained!

Submit your CVSDStrong sample here:

We are navigating uncharted waters, and we are so proud of how everyone is stepping up to meet the challenge. Take care and stay safe. We know that we will persevere through this difficult time together.

The Champlain Valley School District Administration

If you are in need of assistance or have further questions, please reach out to your school or email us at

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