Monday, October 26, 2020

CVSD Update, October 26, 2020

October 26, 2020

Dear Families and Friends,

This week we celebrate bringing our K-2 students safely back for four-days per week instruction and look forward to welcoming most of our Grade 3 and 4 students.. The joy and enthusiasm generated by having them in school is palpable. By next week, we hope to have all students in this age group back. Staffing issues, not our ability to meet health and safety guidance, is what is keeping us from bringing all Grade 4 students back at this time. Please know that we are doing everything we can to resolve this issue as soon as possible - and know that we’ve been working on it for several weeks now. We have broadened our normal venues for posting positions and are making personal contacts with qualified individuals. 

Last Friday, the Agency of Education released revised Safe and Healthy Schools guidance. The main changes impacting our CVSD plans relate to social distancing. The new guidance explicitly sets a 3 feet minimum for students through Grade 6, and a 6 feet minimum for Grades 7-12. Gone are the “if possible” qualifiers. We are currently meeting these more stringent guidelines with our Kindergarten through 4th graders. The guidance also frames the use of plexiglass as an added layer of protection rather than a means of reducing distancing requirements. Now that 6th graders have officially been included in the 3 feet group, we will start to discuss how and when we will bring these students back for four days per week of in-person learning. 

As you can imagine, there is a lot of conversation about Thanksgiving travel and the possible need to quarantine. If you are traveling outside of Vermont, please be aware that there are travel restrictions put in place by Governor Scott that would require you to quarantine for up to 14 days upon your return to Vermont if you have travelled to a red or orange zoneWe have been notified that the Vermont Agency of Education will be providing guidance regarding travel of families and staff for the upcoming holidays by the end of October. We will share this information with you at that time. Obviously, we need to work together to ensure adequate staffing and a safe and healthy school environment.

And finally, please know that our middle level principals are working together to clarify expectations for hybrid learning on remote days. While there will always be differences between schools based on individual choices and unique configurations, we aim to provide equity of learning standards, learning opportunities, and learning time.

Wishing you a safe and healthy week - and Halloween!


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