Friday, February 5, 2021

Learn More About the CVSD Proposed Budget for 2021-2022

This letter to the community was contributed by Kelly Bowen, CVSD School Board member and chair of the Finance Committee.

Dear CVSD Community Members and Voters,

FY22 budget season is upon us. While many voters may cast early ballots, for those who prefer to vote in person, TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 2021, is your chance to vote on the FY22 Proposed CVSD Budget and school-related Articles. (Articles and Ballot Questions refer to the same thing.)

As Finance Committee Chair, I am pleased to report that your District Administration and School Board are optimistic and future-focused. We developed the FY22 budget with a goal to return this August to the familiar in-person 5-day per week instruction.

There are NINE ARTICLES for voter approval this year. This letter will be the first in a series of communications to highlight the FY22 Budget Articles to help you prepare for voting. Find further information on the CVSD website:
  • Articles I-VI - In years past, these articles were voted upon in-person at the CVSD Annual Meeting. Due to COVID-19 meeting restrictions, these articles are on the ballot.
    • Articles I-III – To approve three non-voting CVSD administrative support positions: moderator, clerk, and treasurer. These are not full-time or salaried positions.
    • Article IV – A yes vote allows the District to borrow money in anticipation of future revenue and allows CVSD to meet payment schedules.
    • Article V – Asks: Would you like to have the CVSD annual reports mailed to all voters?
    • Article VI – Confirms the date for next year’s Annual Meeting.
  • Article VII - THE BUDGET QUESTION- to approve an operating budget for the six schools of the 4000-student Champlain Valley School District for the fiscal year starting July 1, 2021. The proposed budget is $85,285,440, an increase of 1.0% from the current year providing use of Fund Balance (Article VIII) is approved.
  • Article VIII – Is the yearly question that permits the District to apply reserved money to offset budget increases and keep taxes lower. FY22 Article VIII asks: May the District use $2,059,000 of the Fund Balance to offset a tax increase and apply the remaining $931,495 as revenue for future budgets? The proposed budget is $85,285,440, which is an increase of 3.5%. CVSD proposed budget plan uses the Fund Balance to decrease the FY22 budget increase to 1%, thereby reducing taxpayer liability.
  • Article IX – Is the yearly question approving the District’s bus purchase. This year CVSD needs three buses at a cost not to exceed $305,000.00.
For detailed information about these ballot articles and budget visit: I invite you to directly reach out to me: if I can help clarify or answer your budget questions.

And, please join us at the BUDGET INFORMATION MEETING on Monday, March 1 at 5:00 via Zoom.

I look forward to the continued educational and fiscal success of the Champlain Valley School District. On behalf of the CVSD School Board, we appreciate your generous support through what has been an extraordinary year.

Kind regards,

Kelly A. Bowen

Chair, Finance Committee CVSD School Board

Further Information:

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