Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Wednesdays are for (Optional) Hikes!

Some educators in Williston have recently begun offering optional hikes on Wednesday afternoons to third and fourth graders. These take place in the afternoons after students have engaged in remote learning in the morning. Here's a brief report from PE teacher Lynn McClintock.

For the past 3 weeks we have been taking 3rd and 4th graders by house/team on walking and hiking adventures. The first 2 weeks we explored the Allen Brook Nature Trail in back of Williston Central School (WCS). Last week we took students from Kaleidoscope House on a hike up Five Tree Hill and down Sucker Brook Trail. What a BLAST!! We will be taking Equinox House this coming Wednesday and Mosaic House the Wednesday after that. What a life. It feels like such a smurftastic use of a Wednesday afternoon. Dustin King, Nadine Paffett-Lugassy, and me are on these adventures with Reba the therapy dog too.

I sent an invitation to each WCS third/fourth grade team with information about when it would be their turn and inviting them to come. It included a permission slip and the details for their parent/guardian. The kids have to get to school somehow. Once, I did pick up a student who wanted to go but had transportation issues. For the trip to Five Tree Hill, we all met at school. The bus dropped us off at Five Tree Hill. I called the bus driver when we were almost finished and she left school and picked us up at Sucker Brook. When we went to the Allen Brook Nature Trail everyone was invited and we were ready to take anyone who came. Close to 20 students joined us each time. For the Five Tree Hill hike, we put on the permission form that we had a limited number. We didn't reach that limit for the first hike. We had 20 and our cut off is 30. We are more likely to reach the limit on the next two trips because they are teams made up of four classes, so there are potentially more students that might be interested. This limit is a drawback because we believe that the more the merrier! We're just so happy we are doing something together and providing this opportunity for students to get outside and move.

Thank you, Lynn, Dustin, and Nadine, for making this possible. "Smurftastic" says it all!

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