Wednesday, June 9, 2021

CVSD Educators Recognized with Awards

On June 3rd, the Vermont-NEA celebrated teachers at their yearly Accomplished Teacher Reception. Many CVSD teachers were celebrated.

  • Devon Morrill, Shelburne - National Board-Certified Teacher, Science
  • Debora Killkelley, Shelburne - National Board-Certified Teacher, Elementary Generalist
  • Vasanti Meyette, Shelburne - National Board-Certified Teacher, Elementary Generalist
  • Peter Booth, CVU - National Board-Certified Teacher, Mathematics

CVSD now has the most board-certified teachers than any other Vermont school district!

Additional Recognition and Awards: 
  • Debora Killkelley was awarded the Michele Forman, National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) Award. This award is awarded to a new NBCT each year who has demonstrated exemplary commitment to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and the certification process, and strong leadership in their school, district, state, and union for accomplished teaching - all leading to strong student learning.
  • Heather Morley, CVU - 2021 Finalist, Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching
  • Magali Simon-Martin, CVU - Vermont Foreign Language Association - Distinguished Teacher Awardee
  • Rachel Luks Petraska, Shelburne and VLA- 2021 Vermont State School Counselor of the Year
Congratulations to these exemplary educators. We are proud of you and honored that you are a part of the CVSD family!

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