Friday, January 21, 2022

CVSD Update January 21, 2022


January 21, 2022

Dear CVSD PreK-8 Community,

Since we last wrote to you on Monday, we’ve been working on systems to incorporate the new protocols that will best support our students and staff. Some of you have shared further questions about how we will implement the new guidance from the Agency of Education directing schools districts to stop contact tracing and adjust current testing protocols. For us, that means shifting from Test to Stay to Test at Home.

We hope that this letter outlines the next steps as clearly as possible and that it provides reassurance to staff and families in yet another time of change about how we can mitigate the spread of the virus. While we have received some test kits to distribute, we’ll need more to fully implement the program. We are communicating with the Agency of Education and the Department of Health to secure more test kits.

This letter is for parents/caregivers of students in our PreK-8 schools. For those who also have CVU students, please continue to follow the protocol previously outlined by the school.

Many families also know that free rapid test kits can be ordered through the USPS or at Tests are limited to 4 per household and are anticipated to ship out later this month.

Positive Cases:
Starting on Monday, January 24, this will be our procedure:

When the school learns of a positive case in a student or staff member, the school will notify students/families that there is a case in their class or team. Classmates and associated staff are considered “presumptive contacts.” They will all receive a notification from the school. In the notification, families of presumptive contacts will be given a link to a Google Form to request COVID antigen test kits. Kits will be distributed based on the form responses and availability.
  • If our schools are notified over the weekend of a positive case that was infectious while in school the previous week, one notification will go out on Sundays. Presumptive contacts who are unvaccinated will be asked to Test to Stay at school on Monday. At that time, they will receive test kits for the following days.
  • In the notification letter from your school, families will see a daily cutoff time for submitting the form to request test kits. That will enable staff adequate time to fulfill the requests and arrange for the kits to be distributed to the students. Our nursing staff will be the only ones who see what is shared on the form.
  • Presumptive contacts receive a different number of kits depending on their vaccination status. It is important to note that it is still unclear how consistent our supply of kits will remain, and availability may impact kit distribution.
    • If individuals are fully vaccinated (and have received a booster for adults), they would receive 2 tests and use them on the fourth and fifth days after learning of their presumptive exposure.
    • If individuals are not fully vaccinated, they would receive 5 tests and use them for the next 5 consecutive days after receiving them.
We have been informed by the Agency of Education that if we run out of test kits, students should continue to come to school. For individuals with continuous household exposure or who are close contacts to a case outside of school, it is recommended that you follow the guidance from the Department of Health.

Returning to School
After an individual has tested positive with a PCR, antigen, or LAMP test, regardless of vaccination status, you should…
  1. Notify your close contacts that you have tested positive, including your school nurse. Visit this page to find your school nurse’s contact information.
  2. If you took an at-home test, use this link to report the positive test results
  3. Stay home and isolate for 5 days. Call your physician to notify them of the test results.
  4. You can leave your home on (or after) day 6 if:
    1. You never had symptoms, or your symptoms have improved and you feel better
    2. AND you have had no fever for at least 24 hours without the use of medicine that reduces fevers
    3. AND you wear a mask around others through day 10
    4. AND it is required that you have two negative antigen tests performed at least 24 hours apart, beginning no earlier than day 5. The 2nd antigen test will be performed at school on the person’s first day back to school, prior to attending classes. Please communicate with your school’s nurse to make a plan for that.
  5. If you are not feeling better, are not fever-free, or are unable to provide negative results with antigen tests, you should remain in isolation at home through Day 10. You can return to school on Day 11.
  6. It is recommended that students who participate in athletics should seek clearance from a physician prior to actively participating in athletics after testing positive for COVID.
For further information, consult the Vermont Department of Health website.

If you have not already, please consider getting your child vaccinated or, if eligible, get a booster. There are vaccine clinics at Williston Central School on January 26 and February 16, at CVU on February 2, and at Shelburne Community School on February 9. These clinics will include Pfizer for ages 5+, first and second doses, and boosters for ages 12 and up. The clinics are available for registration on the Dept of Health’s website. If parents/caregivers are having trouble signing up online, they can make an appointment by calling the Health Department at 855-722-7878, Mon. - Fri. 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, Sat. and Sun. 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.

Important COVID-19 Prevention Measure - Stay Home When Sick
Students and staff who are sick should stay home. This is the most important prevention measure. All students and staff should stay home if they:
  • Show symptoms of COVID-19;
  • Have a fever (temperature greater than 100.4°F); or
  • Are currently in isolation due to testing positive for COVID-19.
Information and Resources from Health Professionals

Guidance from the Agency of Education and the Vermont Department of Health continues to evolve quickly. We will do our best to inform you of changes in a clear and timely manner. Thank you for your continued support as we adjust to the next stage of the pandemic.

Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm,

Rene Sanchez, Superintendent

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