Friday, March 25, 2022

CCS Honors World Down Syndrome Day

Here's a guest post from Charlotte Central School.

March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day. Our community helped celebrate by wearing #lotsofsocks!

Do you know what makes those with Down syndrome unique? Just like everyone else, there are SO many reasons!

The one common reason people with Down syndrome are unique is that they each have 3 copies of chromosome 21. Most people have two copies of chromosome 21, but those who have Down syndrome have 3.

For this reason, we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day on March 21, or 3-21, every year!

This year, we joined the international community by wearing #lotsofsocks and #crazysocks.

Next year, please show your support by wearing brightly colored, mismatched, even 3 socks on each foot to represent the 3 copies of chromosome 21, etc. on March 21!

Want to learn more?


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