Monday, May 9, 2022

May 9, 2022 COVID Reminders

Dear Champlain Valley School District Families and Caregivers,

You may be aware that Vermont is experiencing a spike in COVID cases that public health experts anticipate will continue through the next several weeks. Because our schools are a reflection of the communities we serve, we are seeing a similar increase in cases in all of our CVSD schools. We anticipate that these higher case counts will continue through this current state-wide surge. Notifications from our schools continue to go out to those impacted.

We wanted to send along some reminders:
  • Our schools and offices are mask-friendly. Anyone is welcome to wear masks at any time and should always feel comfortable doing so. Please consider your personal risk factors when determining what is right for your family.
  • COVID symptoms may be mild and mistaken for allergies, especially at this time of year. If your student is experiencing any symptoms, please keep them home from school until they are feeling better. If you need help accessing COVID testing, please contact your school’s Health Office or the Vermont Department of Health.
  • If your child tests positive, please keep your child home and follow the steps in What to Do if You Test Positive for COVID-19 .
  • Home test kits will be made available to any families who request them. Please reach out to your school’s Health Office.
  • We continue to update our COVID dashboard each week.
As always, monitor your child for symptoms of COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status. If your child has any symptoms of COVID-19, keep them home from school until they are feeling better and consider getting tested. The most common COVID symptoms that we are currently seeing in our schools include headache, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea/vomiting, and diarrhea.

If you have any further questions, you can reach out to the Health Office in your school or use our Let’s Talk page to share your thoughts.

Thank you for your attention and consideration.

Rene Sanchez, Superintendent

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