Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Meeting Needs During Post-Service

Our educators are hard at work this week! All PreK-8 educators were together in one building on Monday and Tuesday  for a variety of opportunities. The mornings were spent in PLCs, allowing grade level teams, departments, and other cohorts to have time together. for reflection, planning, and working with data. 

In the afternoons, there was a selection of workshop offerings. 

SEL and Mental Health: Annie O'Shaughnessy facilitated Resting in a Community of Care and Debby Haskins hosted Healing Your Heart. 

Technology: Options included Getting Organized (anything tech-related, especially Gmail and Google Drive!) and updating team and department websites.

Art: Mindful Mark Making and Calming Collage

Physical Movement: Rally Ball

Comments we heard afterward: 

"I need more time to get organized!""This is just what I needed." "Thank you for providing this opportunity and the time." "It was fun and relaxing!" "It was great to reconnect with district colleagues and be together again."

The work continues back in school buildings for the rest of the week.

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