Thursday, July 6, 2023

CCS Construction Update

For those that live near the Charlotte Central School or drive by it, you may have noticed new activity. Construction is underway! During the summer of 2021, Phase One of the work improved ventilation, replaced siding and insulation, and new thermally-improved windows and doors were installed to provide more efficiency. Now, we're in Phase Two, which divides the life safety and code compliance project over two summers. This part of the project is funded through a bond approved by voters in CVSD towns in March of 2022. Beginning on Monday, June 19th, the front portion of the building was gated off to allow for first steps in the excavation process. Here are some of the exciting things that are underway. 

Contractors are making room for five 4000-gallon water tanks that will feed the new fire suppression system.

Underground utilities are being upgraded for electrical service. A new generator system will be installed to allow for full function of the building if we lose power.

All ceilings on the first floor have been removed so electrical updates can be made and fire suppression lines can be extended into all spaces.

For many of our community members, weaving through the potholes of the bus lot is familiar. This summer, we are reconstructing and paving the lot and creating a smooth parking area that will accommodate buses and community members. While that paving project is underway, the “bus lot” will be closed to community traffic. 

Please access Pease Mountain trails through the lot on the east end of the building.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as the work progresses and we prepare the building and grounds for a safe start of the next school year. 

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