Thursday, September 7, 2023

Access CVU Fall-Winter Classes

Did you know that Access CVU was voted by the community as the top finalists in the Seven Daysie Awards 2023 for Best place to take an Arts Class, as well as Best Cooking Classes?!

Here's a message from Access CVU. If you don't know what it is or haven't take a class in a while, check this out! 

Our FALL/WINTER 2023 Catalog of classes is open for registration! We are excited to start this semester with 191 diverse classes featuring 79 talented instructors. Keep ACCESS CVU top of mind this fall, and add community enrichment to your calendar!

New classes will be added to the catalog every month, and announced first in our newsletter and on Instagram and Facebook! Follow and tag us at @ACCESSCVU and make sure you signed-up for

Posters and flyers will be available for pick up at your local supermarket, library, town office, and at all CVSD Schools. The link to our flyer is on our homepage for easy viewing and printing. September's list of classes can be found HERE.

Do you or someone you know want to teach at ACCESS CVU? Click the New Instructor Form or email

Save The Date! CVU Craft Fair- Saturday, Oct 14 and Saturday, Nov 25. Reach out to Carol Fox at if you would like to volunteer for these events!

To view classes and enroll online, visit (or Google, ACCESS CVU). Questions about classes or to enroll via email or phone, contact / 802-482-7194.

Thank you for supporting ACCESS CVU and for keeping community education thriving at CVSD. Connect, learn, and grow at ACCESS CVU!

Laura and Jen

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