Monday, November 27, 2023

A Statement from Superintendent Sanchez


Dear CVSD Community and Families,

We are writing in response to the shooting of three Palestinian college students in Burlington over the weekend. We know that law enforcement is working hard to determine what led to such an atrocity. The Champlain Valley School District (CVSD) expresses its unwavering opposition to hate speech, religious persecution, racism, and violence. 

We urge everyone to approach one another with compassion and empathy. As always, we offer support to those who might need it through school counselors, trusted staff members, and for staff, the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

CVSD is committed to fostering a safe and nurturing environment for everyone. The district remains dedicated to growth and — especially — belonging for all as we continue to come to terms with what is happening nearby and in the global community. 

Thank you to all in our schools and at home for providing care and support for our students and one another.


Rene Sanchez

CVSD Superintendent

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