Friday, February 16, 2024

WCS School Counselor in the Spotlight


Williston Central School's school counselor, Chris Ford, is in the Vermont School Counselor Association's Spotlight this month. Chris answered a few questions below. Congratulations on this honor and well-deserved recognition, Chris!  

What influenced you to become a school counselor?

In reflecting on this question, I think three things influenced my path to becoming a school counselor: 1. Always enjoying and having fun with kids in all parts of my life; 2. Having a high school counselor that was supportive, kind, and helpful; 3. Seeking a career path that is meaningful and rewarding each day.

What's your favorite part about being a school counselor?

Definitely connecting with kids in my role as a school counselor. Whether it is in classes, groups, or individual meetings, the days I work more with students are the days that seem more satisfying (even when the work is challenging).

What’s unique about your school community?

I appreciate all the student leadership and extra-curricular opportunities that our students have available to them during the school day, and after school, to help them connect with others, find their passions, and contribute to making our school community better for all students.

We are proud to call Chris a colleague and thankful for the work he does on behalf of students.

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