Sunday, March 3, 2024

Summary of the Proposed 2024-2025 CVSD Budget

Dear Champlain Valley School District Voters,

This year has presented significant challenges and complexities regarding our proposed budget. Initiated by the school board and administration in line with Act 127, the new education funding law passed in 2022, the budget development process began in September. However, considerable changes arose in late January. Rather than attempt to explain what has transpired in a lengthy post here, the district has compiled a series of articles published by local media and state representatives in recent months. These can be found at the bottom of the Budget page on the district’s website.

This budget represents what the CVSD School Board does have control over. It continues to provide the programming and support that have served our students well, including consistent class sizes.

With that being said, the Board makes changes when they need to. This budget does reduce five teaching positions and four unfilled paraprofessional positions while maintaining class sizes within CVSD recommendations.

In addition to maintaining programming, this budget continues some of the previously ESSER-funded positions, but not all. The Board has reduced the number of positions in place this year by 20% for the coming year. These positions have provided critical social/emotional support to our students where the need has never been greater, and where finding support outside of the school has never been harder. We are committed to phasing them out over time and our strategy was to do it over five years. We may have to accelerate this going forward.

The final “add-on” in this budget is for certain one-time facilities projects- including some HVAC work that is needed to provide the learning environment needed for our students.

There is nothing in this budget that the Board considers to be irresponsible or unneeded spending.

We encourage you to get informed. Please reach out to the CVSD School Board with any questions. or use the School Board or Budget Let’s Talk topics 

Please join the CVSD Annual Meeting on Monday, March 4, 2024, at 5:00 at CVU. Information about how to join in person or remotely can be found on the left side of the district's homepage or on the Budget page.

More information:

CVSD’s Budget page

CVSD Annual Report


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