Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Announcing CVU's Interim Principal

The Champlain Valley School District announces the appointment of Katherine Riley as the Interim Principal of the Champlain Valley Union High School (CVU) for the FY25 school year. Her appointment will be effective July 1, 2024.

Katherine joined CVU in 1998 as a social studies teacher and has worked as the Curriculum Director and Snelling House Director. As an administrator, Katherine has played an important role in the school’s transition to a proficiency-based system, the design of CVU’s action plan, and the development of current graduation requirements.

Katherine received a bachelor’s degree from St. Lawrence University and a Master of Education degree from Plattsburgh State University. She taught in New York state prior to coming to Vermont and has international teaching experience in both Bhutan and Peru. At CVU, Katherine has led numerous international student trips and advised both Amnesty International and the Student Council for over twenty years.

In her application for the position, Katherine shared, “With twelve years of experience at the administrative level and fourteen years as a teacher at CVU, I feel that I am qualified to step into this leadership role. I know the systems and the people...I am confident that I will step into the role of interim principal and allow for a smooth transition for our CVU community.”

Upon accepting the job, Katherine stated "I am humbled and excited to step into the role of interim principal and to build on the good work that is happening at CVU. I look forward to working closely with the students, faculty, staff and community to grow the culture of belonging and high academic standards which have been the hallmark of the high school since long before I began my teaching career at CVU."

Sarah Crum, CVSD’s Director of Learning and Innovation, was on the interview committee. She adds, “CVSD has been fortunate to have Katherine Riley as part of the leadership team at CVU for many years now. Katherine highlighted her desire to maintain the collaborative approach that has been a cornerstone for the CVU leadership team and that continuity is a priority for her. Katherine's steady leadership will ensure that CVU continues to build on the incredible strengths of the administrators, faculty and staff while it fosters innovative solutions to challenges in education.”

We look forward to welcoming Katherine officially as the CVU interim principal on July 1.

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