Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Highlights of the Proposed Budget

Kelly Bowen, CVSD School Board Finance Committee Chair, has shared the following on Front Porch Forum in each CVSD town. It's the next in a series of posts to help inform voters about the proposed budget for 2022-2023.

Dear CVSD Community Members and Voters,

This is the final post in a series to update you on the upcoming 2022-2023 proposed school district budget. Thank you for your continued support and for reading these updates. And most of all, thank you for taking the time to VOTE on March 1, 2022.

Here are important takeaways for this year’s budget:
  • The Champlain Valley School District is committed to supporting all students.
  • During pandemic recovery, we will continue to provide mental health services, social-emotional guidance, and academic support that acknowledges the unique needs of each student.
  • We are committed to diversity, equity, & inclusion.
  • We strive to maintain class sizes within the recommended range.
  • The bond proposal focuses on critical health & safety needs at CVSD facilities.
  • The estimated Pre-CLA (Common Level of Appraisal) tax rate is down 9¢ from last year. After applying the CLA factor, we estimate that the tax rate will be down for most CVSD towns.
It has been a pleasure to serve this community as Chair of the Finance Committee these past two years. With a growing district and a growing budget, I recognize the need for frequent and clear communication. As this budget cycle closes, I urge community members to get involved with your school district. A vibrant district with strong fiscal health can only be maintained by an active community. Please reach out to me: kbowen@cvsdvt.org if I can be of assistance.

Kind regards,

Kelly A. Bowen, CVSD Finance Committee Chair

Please join the CVSD INFORMATIONAL MEETING via Zoom on Monday, February 28, 2022, at 5:00. ZOOM meeting information: https://www.cvsdvt.org/budget or directly: https://cvsdvt-org.zoom.us/j/88634652241 Meeting ID: 886 3465 2241 - Passcode: cvsd11

Phone Participation: 1-646-876-9923 - Passcode: 854788

More information:
Budget page www.cvsdvt.org/budget
Annual Report https://www.cvsdvt.org/Page/602
2022-2023 Budget Flyer https://bit.ly/CVSDBudgetFlyerFY23
Budget FAQ’s https://bit.ly/CVSDBudgetFY23FAQs

See the Annual Warning on the budget page of our website for all of the ballot articles. We encourage all eligible residents in Champlain Valley School District towns to vote on March 1st or earlier.


1 comment:

  1. You did an excellent job on this post! its very helpful for all of us! Thank you!


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