Thursday, March 3, 2022

CVSD Update about Masks


Welcome back, I hope you all had a restful and rejuvenating winter break. I wanted to provide an update about masks in our schools, as I promised in our February 17th newsletter. As of Monday, March 7, masks will be optional in CVSD schools. Anyone that wants the layer of protection that high-quality masks provide should feel free to wear them. It is critical that we are supportive and understanding of those who, for a variety of personal reasons, decide to continue wearing masks.

We will make the transition to masks-optional on March 7 as we have determined that all of the schools in our district meet the 80% vaccination rate..At Governor Scott’s press conference today, Education Secretary French stated that all Vermont schools will be mask-optional as of March 14.

In the February 17 newsletter, I stated that there were a number of variables we needed to sort through before making any changes. Here are some of the things we’ve learned.

  • Preschoolers in our buildings will still need to wear masks for now.
  • For those who live in towns where there is a town mask mandate, the mandate does not apply when in school buildings.
  • School transportation: The CDC changed their requirement about masks on school buses. They are no longer required. Anyone who wants to wear a mask on a school bus is welcome to do so.
  • Schools will have the option of returning to more flexible lunch configurations, including the mixing of students in different learning cohorts.

If the health situation changes, or if the Vermont Agency of Education or Department of Health change their recommendation, we would follow that guidance, up to and including a reinstatement of mask-wearing.

Please talk with your family about a decision that is right for you. While some of you may be ready to do away with masks altogether, others will continue wearing them. We will support you no matter what you decide.

I fully realize that this change will be met with differing responses. These past two years have been full of emotions and, at times, division. All of us have been affected by this pandemic differently, so I ask everyone to be respectful and sensitive to the individual needs of our families and staff during this transition.

Once again, thank you for your patience, understanding, and support as we’ve worked through yet another challenge of the pandemic. I'm proud of how our district has together respected and cared for one another. Let’s continue that practice in the coming months.

Thank you to everyone who voted on or before Town Meeting Day in support of our students and schools.

Stay well,
Rene Sanchez, Superintendent

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