Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Summer Work on Buildings and Grounds

The devoted and talented CVSD maintenance and facilities crews have been hard at work over the summer. Here's an update on some of the work that was done. We thank them for their hard work and commitment to ensuring that our buildings and grounds are safe and welcoming for students and families. Some schools were able to supply us with more detailed updates than others, but rest assured with the knowledge that there has been a tremendous amount of great work done in all CVSD locations!


Chris and the entire crew have been working tirelessly to prepare our school for our big opening only days away. This summer they have really outdone themselves:
  • 7/8 Learning Center- Updo!
  • New ceiling tiles have been put into several classrooms.
  • We replaced the water line to the building then a couple of weeks later the well pump died. So we have a new main water system at this point. The water has been tested and all was good.
  • The band room had a makeover, including new paint and now has some character. It also got a new floor. 
  • There is a new ADA ramp and stairs at the east entrance (MPR Hall) This will be a big improvement.
  • The Quonset hut is torn down! There will be a small hole there for this school year. We are planning now for a new garage and additional parking. This will be for next year's budget.
  • We are painting a few classrooms on the second floor now and hope to get as many done as we can. We apologize for those rooms we didn't get to. We will get to them next summer.
  • We removed another folding wall and put in a permanent wall in the primary hall as well as new ceiling tile in the 2 rooms.
  • There is one more thing that people will notice in several locations (gyms, cafeteria, and on the outside of the building), there are BLUE STROBE LIGHTS. These are meant to notify people in areas where it is loud, that there is an emergency. This was part of the safety grant money we received last year.
  • Starting the week of the 12th the front sidewalk will be removed and replaced for safety. If you come in to CCS during that time, you may need to seek an alternate route.


Thanks to Tim and his crew, the building is again looking incredible! There are shiny floors, new paint, clean windows, and many other improvements big and small. They deserve a huge thank you for their outstanding job getting our school ready to welcome back the kids. When you do come in, be sure to have a look at our re-sanded gym floor, our new scoreboard, and thanks to our makerspace group, a much improved makerspace next to the library.

In addition, we installed an additional set of doors in our front entryway that will require visitors to be buzzed into an entry holding area, and then buzzed in a second time by our administrative assistants.Our side entrance will now remain locked, including during drop-off and pick-up. This means that all students and parents/guardians will need to enter the building through the front entrance. Drivers will still drop off students in the side parking lot, but then students will walk around to the front of the building and enter through the main doors. At the end of the day, students will still dismiss from various doors, but entry by non staff members to our building will always funnel through the more secure front door. A final change is that the front entrance will be unlocked from 7:30-8:15 am, and then again at 2:30pm. On early dismissal days, we will unlock the front door at 1:30.

Our rain garden in probably the biggest summer improvement that we can show off thus far.  All of our sidewalk curbs are currently being re-done.


In Williston, cracked concrete paths were replaced for improved safety and appearance. Acoustic panels were installed in WCS Design and Tech Space.

Summer cleaning: Thanks to Lyall and the crew, corridors are scrubbed from carpet to ceiling so they gleam for the start of school year.


We've replaced half of the seating in the gym with new bleacher seats, replaced doors to the building to increase security, reorganized the Library, replaced furniture in the Business labs, and finished a conference room in the Learning Center.

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