Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Annual Legislative Breakfast

Early yesterday morning, we were honored to have a number of Vermont legislators that represent towns in our district visit for breakfast and conversation. Seven legislators and seven school board members from the Champlain Valley School District joined CVSD leaders for a rich discussion on a variety of topics that impact our schools.

Attending this year were: Terry Macaig, Mike Yantachka, Bill Lippert, Jessica Brumsted, Kate Webb, Jim McCullough, and Debbie Ingram (not pictured).

CVSD School Board members included: Lynne Jaunich, Ray Mainer, Jeff Martin, Angela Arsenault, Brendan McMahon, Colleen MacKinnon, and Kelly Bowen.

The CVSD leadership and Board asked questions about Act 46 consolidation, Health Care, School Choice, and the weighting study. There was discussion around Act 77, specifically focused on proficiency and personalization.

Representative Kate Webb, who is also the chair of the House Education Committee, shared some issues before the legislature. These include:

  • Act 166 - PreK
  • Literacy
  • Oversight of the Agency of Education
  • Status of the State Board of Education
  • Construction
  • The weighting study
  • A focus on funding after school programs, which was just announced by the Governor in his State of the State address. 

Representative Jessica Brumsted serves on the House Health and Human Services committee. She shared that they are working on children's integrated services (occupational therapy, physical therapy, audiology, etc.), as well as looking at official programs that support foster children. She also stated that they are exploring the ban of all flavored cigarettes, including e-cigarettes.

The legislators were very positive about the great things happening in CVSD schools and feel that there are many examples that warrant sharing with their various committees and constituents.

We learned a great deal and gained valuable perspective from the conversation. We truly appreciate the time and hard work that all of our visitors contribute on behalf of the staff and students across the state.

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