Monday, March 9, 2020

Williston Schools Closed March 9, 2020

March 9, 2020

Dear Champlain Valley School District Families:

The situation regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve around the world. In the past week, we have heard from families who are seeking guidance on precautions and we have heard from those who are expressing concerns. We all understand that we have a social responsibility to each other in situations like this as we are one community. Here in our district, we take this responsibility seriously.

To that point, a staff member in our Williston school system returned to Vermont after staying at a hotel in another state at the end of the February break. Since then, it has been determined that multiple positive COVID-19 cases were confirmed with guests who stayed at the same hotel. Under the advice of the staff member’s doctor, the staff member has self-quarantined at home after sharing that they had some cold symptoms. That staff member is following CDC protocol and has contacted the Vermont Department of Health. At this time, there is no confirmation that the staff member's symptoms are connected to the coronavirus outbreak.

As we await more information, it is out of an abundance of caution that we have decided that both of the Williston Schools will be closed on Monday, March 9. We will fully and completely disinfect as a preventive measure and will wait for further direction from the Vermont Department of Health. Williston families and guardians have already been informed and we wanted the CVSD community to be aware as well.

In these unusual circumstances as the national picture continues to evolve and with the strong presence of social media, we know it is easy to begin speculating and questioning. We ask for your patience and respect for our staff member, their family, and our school communities.

If you have any questions, please email and we will try to answer as quickly as possible.

We will keep you informed via email and Connect 5 messages.

The CVSD Administration

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