Friday, July 24, 2020

Reopening Schools: July 24 Update

July 24, 2020

Dear Friends and Families,

There is so much to share this week. After much intense deliberation, we have determined that a K-12 hybrid model is the best and safest way for us to reopen schools in the fall.  This decision was one of the most difficult decisions we’ve ever made. It was informed by the CDC, Vermont Department of Health and Agency of Education Guidelines, weekly meetings with the Secretary of Education, webinars with Drs, Levin and Holmes,  as well as through discussions with regional colleagues. Please know that I will communicate with you often to keep you apprised of our plans.

What will the CVSD hybrid model look like?

Students will be divided into A and B groups. Each group will attend in-person school for two days each week and will learn from home with specific work provided for them and time for real-time connections with teachers for two days per week. Wednesdays will be used for student interventions, professional development for teachers, and for teacher planning to continually ensure that we are maximizing our effectiveness. Teachers and administrators are working out the details and will be providing you with more specific information soon. The K-4 Plan will be presented to the CVSD School Board on August 4th.

What health and safety measures will be taken?

  • Class sizes will be reduced by half.  This will ensure that students are appropriately socially-distanced while providing the opportunity for engaging and rigorous learning experiences. 

  • Students will be kept in defined cohort groups to reduce contacts.

  • Mask wearing will be required.

  • Education and constant reinforcement will be provided for appropriate hygiene practices and mask wearing. 

  • Students and staff will have a health check that includes temperature-taking every day.

Will the hybrid model be in effect for the entire school year?

We will review this model regularly and make changes based on the AOE, DOH, and CDC guidelines.  If the guidelines around social distancing and cohort management were to change, we would reconsider whether or not full-time, all-students in school was feasible and make a corresponding change. 

Who is planning and coordinating CVSD’s work in this area?

CVSD’s Reopening Coordinating Team, led by Superintendent Elaine Pinckney,  meets weekly to plan and coordinate our efforts. The lead person in each area also meets with others during the week to address the specific needs, concerns, and challenges in their respective area. 

  • The Instructional Coordination Team is co-led by Jeff Evans, Director of Learning and Innovation and Meagan Roy, Director of Student Support Services.  They work directly with principals and teachers to develop learning models and schedules and ensure that the curriculum is aligned across the schools and between grade levels. 

  • The Social Emotional Team is led by Cassandra Townsend.  She works with principals, school counselors, and our Director of Integrated Wellness to ensure that our opening plan has a robust social and emotional component.  

  • The Operations Team is led by Jeanne Jensen, Chief Operations Officer. Jeanne meets weekly with the transportation director, the food service coordinator, and the facilities managers to address the health and safety items in each of these areas.  She meets regularly with our COVID19 Health and Safety Coordinator to make sure all areas are covered.

  • Our COVID 19 Health and Safety Coordinator is Jocelyn Bouyea.  Jocelyn, a long-time school nurse at Shelburne Community School, was appointed to this position in early summer.  She meets weekly with Superintendent Pinckney and Director Roy as a sub-group to plan for implementation of the AOE, DOH, and CDC guidance, weekly with COO Jensen, and weekly with the Reopening Coordinating Team.  Jocelyn has enlisted the assistance of two pediatricians who are also parents in our district. Drs. Elizabeth Hunt and Leah Costello have graciously and generously volunteered their time to support our efforts and guide our work. 

  • The Communications Team is led by Bonnie Birdsall, Director of Digital Learning and Communications. Bonnie meets with all the groups regularly and shares information with our communities, our faculty and staff, and our families. She has developed a communication plan and timeline to ensure that our communications are timely and coordinated.

What is being done about Childcare?

We know that providing two-days per week in-school learning causes hardship and challenges for many families. We are working actively to engage community partners and our own Part II program in the development of engaging, creative, and affordable options. You will be hearing more about this in every communication.

What other things are being considered?

We are looking at how we might more regularly use the great outdoors as a classroom. We have teachers in every one of our schools who are passionate about outdoor classrooms and outdoor education. We want to explore how this might be beneficial for all of our students.

I know that many of you are unsettled by the news you received this week regarding our decision to choose a hybrid model to start the school year. We have heard your concerns and are doing everything we can to support you and your children. We want to partner with you as we navigate the challenging times we’re in.


Elaine Pinckney

Superintendent, CVSD

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