Friday, March 5, 2021

Meeting With Our Local Legislators


The Champlain Valley School District's Board of Directors has an annual tradition where they meet with and have breakfast with some state legislators that serve our towns. Despite not being able to meet in person and share breakfast together, the tradition continued this morning via Zoom. We were pleased that the following legislators joined members of the CVSD School Board, along with district and school leaders, for a very informative conversation.

Joining us today: 

  • Senator Ginny Lyons
  • Senator Thomas Chittenden
  • Representative Kate Webb
  • Representative Bill Lippert
  • Representative Erin Brady
  • Representative Jessica Brumsted

Attending from the CVSD School Board: 

  • Angela Arsenault
  • Kelly Bowen
  • Brendan McMahon
  • Ken Scott
  • Josilyn Adams
  • Lynne Jaunich
  • Meghan Metzler
  • Colleen MacKinnon
  • Erin Brady (yes, she is a member of both groups!)

The discussion focused on sharing information about bills and legislation that are underway at the Statehouse. it was also an opportunity for the school board members and district administrators to share some perspective around the work happening in our district. Some of the topics discussed included literacy programs, the weighting study (proposed changes to education spending), universal school meals, and Act 1 (an act relating to ethnic and social equity studies standards for public schools.) There was also discussion around the recently released guidance for education recovery from the Agency of Education. That conversation was about funding and resources to help move us forward post-COVID. Our district's planning is already in process. 

One legislator commented that input from the district helps representatives and senators make improvements to their bills. This collaboration is so helpful and informative for all! 

Sadly, we were not able to take a photo together to commemorate the event, but look forward to meeting in person again next year. 

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