Monday, April 19, 2021

Honoring CVSD's UVM Outstanding Educators

 Last week marked the celebration of UVM Outstanding Teachers. The recognition ceremony was different this year and was virtual. We are proud to share that Charlie MacFadyen (CVU) and  Jessica West (SCS) are this year's CVSD honorees. 

"Every year, the College of Education and Social Services (CESS) at the University of Vermont, together with Vermont supervisory unions and school districts, the Vermont Agency of Education, and the Vermont NEA, join to honor the accomplishments of our state’s outstanding educators."
(from the Outstanding Teacher's Day website)

Charlie MacFadyen, Digital Learning Leader
Congratulations to Charlie MacFadyen who was honored by UVM last week as CVU’s Outstanding Teacher of the Year. In the words of Charlie’s colleagues: Everyone needs a Charlie in their community! He is extremely kind and compassionate, and has a genuine desire to make technology accessible to all. Charlie’s amazing sense of humor and seemingly zero need for personal recognition make collaboration easy. His depth of knowledge and continuous learning help us develop manageable and thoughtful solutions - Charlie facilitated our school’s move to a 100% technology-based educational system virtually overnight at the onset of the COVID pandemic. Even when he has no time, Charlie will make time for anyone. Charlie has been a part of the CVU community since 1999 and we feel fortunate to call him a colleague and friend.    (submitted by Adam Bunting, principal, Champlain Valley Union High School)

Jessica West, First Grade Educator
I am incredibly proud to announce Mrs. Jessica West as our UVM Teacher of the Year. Jessica is heading into her 16th year teaching at Shelburne Community School in CVSD. Jessica sees change as opportunities and handles them grace and positivity. She is a phenomenal teacher, learner, leader, colleague, and person. We are so proud of you and your dedication to education.

Jessica is an outstandingly effective teacher. She builds strong relationships with her students and their families. She genuinely cares about each individual student and highlights how they contribute to our positive learning community - where all students are valued, respected, and feel a sense of belonging. Jessica engages all learners by incorporating their interests in her lesson planning and she provides appropriate scaffolding and challenges for each child. Students feel her love and support as she is their number one cheerleader. Jessica is a life-long learner and a passionate teacher leader - she is positive, reflective, empathetic, and an active participant in our learning community.     (submitted by Alison Celmer, PreK-4 principal, Shelburne Community School)

We truly appreciate all that Charlie and Jessica bring to their work on behalf of students, their supportive and valuable connections with colleagues, and their lasting contributions to CVSD.

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