Monday, January 16, 2023

Check Out These Access CVU Opportunities!

Here's a guest post from our friends at Access CVU. You truly want to explore the amazing offerings. They're better than ever! 

Access CVU is pleased to announce the Winter/Spring 2023 Catalog is now open for registration! With over 170 classes and 80 instructors there is something of interest for everyone and all ages. This semester runs from Feb 1st - June 2nd. We have added 39 brand new courses to our list of popular favorites this semester, and will continue to add new classes and instructors monthly!

For the most current class information and announcements, sign-up for the Access CVU Newsletter and follow us on Instagram @ACCESSCVU.

  • Visit to view classes and register online.
  • Got questions about a class, enrollment, or want to teach with us? Contact Laura and Jen at / 802-482-7194.
  • Looking to teach a course at Access CVU? Complete the New Instructor Form

Check out the 63 class options for February!

Thank you for supporting Access CVU and for keeping community education thriving at CVSD. We hope to see you soon!


Laura and Jen

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