Wednesday, November 13, 2019

SCS Students Create a Digital Tour of the Shelburne Museum

It's never too late to share exciting happenings as a part of the CVSD story! This project happened a few weeks ago with the 6th graders at Shelburne Community School. Teacher Diana Rich contributed the following to help describe the work.

This was our 3rd year doing a project based learning partnership with the Shelburne Museum and we were supported by the museum educators, Mollie Davis and Holly Miller. 

The driving question for this project is: "How do we as historians create a digital tour that engages middle level students?" 

At the project launch, students experienced a "boring tour" and then they were presented with the task of creating a digital tour. The students gathered evidence and analyzed evidence from the museum and created a digital map using the platform ThingLink. 

Here is one of the projects created by 4 students. This was the first year that all 6th graders at SCS experienced this project.

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