Friday, April 17, 2020

April Vacation Week

April 17, 2020

Dear CVSD Community,

We have completed the first week of Remote Learning and it has been amazing to see and hear about the various ways staff and students are connecting, and how teachers are delivering instruction. We are working together as a district and a community to create meaningful learning experiences for our students.

We realize remote learning poses a number of opportunities and challenges for students, families, and faculty/staff. Everyone has been patient and understanding as we’ve forged ahead and worked through these new endeavors. Please share successes, challenges, and any other feedback with your teachers that might inform instructional plans moving forward. Teachers will consider that as they move forward with planning for the next week of Remote Learning, starting on April 27.

April Vacation Week

A reminder that there will be no online learning for students April 20-24. We hope you are able to rest and recharge over the break and we look forward to reconnecting with all our students on Monday, April 27. For those seeking engagement options during this time, we have created an April Vacation Week Enrichment site for grades PreK-8 with a variety of activities and opportunities for students. Take a look at the whole site and all of the offerings. We hope you find it helpful.
CVU has developed their own experiences for students who choose to participate.

Our foodservice teams are working through their April vacation week in order to continue to provide free meals for all children 18 and under. Go to the CVSD website or use this link to find the order form or call your school’s food service director.

Updated COVID-19 Information

We have reorganized the section on our website with information about COVID-19. This information can be found on the front of the district’s website and on as each school’s site as well. It includes pages about foodservice, remote learning, technology, and all of our past communications. We’ve added a new link to a Help Form for families needing any kind of support, which can also be found here:

Please let us know if there is anything additional you’d like to see on the website.


Wow, there are so many examples from our schools and families of how we’re staying strong throughout this period of time! Schools are organizing ways in which teachers show their dedication and positive spirit. Families are brought close together, on many levels, and are creatively making the best of it. Here’s the latest collection in a CVSDStrong video:

Share yours here:

Thank you again for your unwavering support, encouragement, and outlook. We will all get through this together and come out stronger than we ever were before.

~ The Champlain Valley School District Administration

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