Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Motivating Students From a Distance

Paul Lasher teaches 5th graders at the Hinesburg Community School. He went to great lengths to engage with students last week, from afar. Paul shared this with us with permission for us to share it more widely.

He set up a trivia question each day for the students to watch on video. They had to research the answer and submit it by Google form. If 80% of all students had correct answers throughout the week, he told them he would shave his hair into a mohawk. The last video is of that happening, which was done live for his students to see.

Here are the video questions:
Day 1- Johnny
Day 2- Professor Plum
Day 3- Special Guest- Author Chris Tebbetts
Day 4- Lothar, King of the Hill People
Day 5 - Old Man
Video of Mohawk on YouTube Live

This week the students are working on getting him to dye the mohawk and if they do, they can take a survey for the color! Thank you for sharing this with us, Paul. 

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