Greetings from the Champlain Valley School District! There are many things happening that are of a timely nature for those that live in the district. We have described most of it in our latest newsletter. Please take the time to view it and find out how you can get involved, informed, and support our schools!
- Kindergarten Registration for 2023-2024 begins February 1
- Your voice and input are needed for the next steps of our strategic planning process
- It's time to get informed about the proposed budget for the 2023-2024 school year (FY24)
Please visit the budget page of our website and view:
- A wealth of updated information on that page
- CVSD's Annual Report
- The new FY24 budget booklet, which will arrive in mailboxes in the next few weeks. Check it out early!
Keep in touch, and share your questions, feedback, suggestions, and compliments using topics on the district's Let's Talk page.