Friday, August 24, 2018

Convocation and Pre-Service 2018

Our annual opening at CVU for the whole district was amazing yesterday. We began with convocation, including talented district musicians welcoming us as we arrived. 

This was followed by a touching welcome from the chair of our School Board, Lynne Jaunich. 

As always, the co-presidents of CVU's student council greeted us and they reflected on the impact CVSD educators had on them over the years. 

Educators then were immersed in Fill Your Bucket sessions, in which they learned from their colleagues about many topics. There were over 20 different sessions led by our own talented professionals. 

After lunch, we divided up by grade span and focused our energies on other pertinent work with colleagues. 

And finally, for the 3rd year in a row, we culminated the day with the Annual Trike Race. Defending champions, Charlotte Central School eventually passed the golden helmet to CVU, who won this year's race. We're off to a tremendous start! 

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