Monday, March 25, 2019

Legislators Visit CVSD

For many years now, the Champlain Valley School District has hosted a legislator breakfast. Invited are members of the House and Senate from districts represented by our communities, along with the Governor and Lieutenant Governor. 

This year's breakfast took place this morning at CVU. Six guests from Montpelier joined seven School Board members along with some of the CVSD leadership group. Joining us today were: Terence Macaig, Kate Webb, Virginia Lyons, James McCullough, Jessica Brumsted, and Mike Yantchka. 

During the breakfast, the legislators shared updates about the work of their various committees, with a special focus on how that work may impact education and our schools. Today's topics included lead in the water supply, Act 46, E-911 compliance, weatherization of our schools and homes, prevention programs, mental health programs, childcare and preschool programs, and e-cigarettes. The conversation was informative and extremely helpful. 

In return, the legislators wanted to hear about issues we're working on and are facing in our schools. They also took the time to applaud the work of CVSD, our educators, and especially our students. From them we heard accolades for our students who present at the State House and how poised, articulate, and informed they are on many topics about which they're passionate. 

We thank those who devoted their time to connect with us today and for their dedicated work on behalf of our students, families, and all Vermonters. 

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