Thursday, December 5, 2019

Outstanding Teachers in CVSD

"Every year, the College of Education and Social Services (CESS) at the University of Vermont, together with Vermont supervisory unions and school districts, the Vermont Agency of Education, and the Vermont NEA, join to honor the accomplishments of our state’s outstanding educators."
(from the Outstanding Teacher's Day website)

Today is Outstanding Teachers Day. CVSD's two outstanding teachers this year are Leanne Morton (CVU) and Miranda Johnson (HCS).

Miranda with HCS Principal, Suzan Locke

Leanne with CVU Principal, Adam Bunting

Principals from their schools shared the following about each of them for the ceremony.

Leanne Morton
Leanne Morton:
To observe Leanne’s classroom is to witness a collaborative, engaged, inspired community of learners. Deep Latin study is punctuated by laughter and joyful exclamations from students and teacher alike. Since 2000, Leanne has been a champion of Latin and--more importantly--teaching that puts relationships at the center of learning. To describe her classroom alone, however, is a disservice to the global education students have discovered under her guidance. From initiating trips to Italy or sustaining travel to France, Leanne has ensured that dozens of students discover a larger world. She is a model of collegiality and professionalism and lives the values of CVU. 

Miranda Johnson
Miranda Johnson:
Miranda Johnson, a Hinesburg Community School Kindergarten teacher, has been selected as a 2019 Vermont Outstanding Teacher of the Year. Miranda continuously demonstrates a commitment to creating an inspirational and harmonious classroom that supports student development and achievement! She demonstrates characteristics of inspiring teaching which include enthusiasm for teaching; empathy and warmth towards all students; fostering positive relationships with all students; creating a positive learning environment; and recognizing student strengths.

I honestly do not know what I would do without Miranda as a teammate. She is organized, educated, and honestly one of the nicest people I know. I love my job, but I love it even more because I get to work side by side with one of my best friends. Miranda goes above and beyond for her students. She is constantly finding highly engaging and educational lessons. When you walk in her tidy classroom, you observe students having so much fun, they don't realize they are learning. I am so very lucky to call her my teammate and my friend. I am so proud of her and honored to work as her teaching partner!" ~ Alyssa Lasher

CVSD congratulates and thanks Leanne and Miranda for their hard work, compassion, and dedication to all students. 

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