Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Remembering a Beloved Principal

The CVSD community lost a beloved past principal last April. Monica Smith was the principal at Charlotte Central School for 20 years, from 1990-2009. She touched and influenced so many in our community and beyond. 

Today, some former colleagues organized a tree-planting at CCS in her memory and planted a sturdy oak tree. Members of Monica's family were present, along with many others who were recipients of her generosity, time, friendship, and colleagueship. 

Superintendent Elaine Pinckney spoke and shared some thoughts, which are highlighted below. 
Monica was full of love. She took care of everyone. She took care of CCS students and staff in the same way that she took care of her treasured family. Through small tokens of affection and appreciation, she made time together special. She instituted many traditions which are carried on at CCS to this day, including Grandparent's day and the Carnation Ceremony.

Monica was a relationship person and was full of joy. She loved people, she loved life. she was generous, unselfish, caring, thoughtful. Those of us fortunate enough to know her, and that's many, count ourselves so lucky to have been a part of her orbit.

The tree is near the playground behind CCS and has a special sign to help visitors find it.

Thank you to all who helped make this special event for a very special person happen.

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