Friday, November 6, 2020

CVSD Update: November 6, 2020


November 6, 2020

Dear Friends and Families,

How can we already be in November? It feels more like March 236 than it does like November 6th. The days just keep running into each other with very little difference from one to the next. No wonder we’re all looking back fondly on past Thanksgivings when we all joined around a big table with a big happy group of friends and relatives to give thanks and share our gratitude for one another. This year, even our joyful events come with a modicum of restraint. Here is what Dr. Levine had to say during Tuesday’s Press Conference:

“We know that social gatherings — often among trusted family and friends — are a driving force behind much of the virus’ spread right now nationwide,” Dr. Levine said. “Adding the element of travel to the mix only makes it more risky.”

Please see the Q&A included in this newsletter for further guidance about out of state travel.

I also want you to know that we plan to be in school on the Monday after Thanksgiving. I know there are many rumors swirling around this topic, but they are just that - rumors. We have every intention to be in school and will be in school. We learned today that the state will not be preemptively closing schools either. The Vermont conditions do not warrant a return to Step 1. As long as we are able to meet the basic criteria that govern our decisions, we will be in session. Our criteria are also posted in this newsletter as a reminder of what needs to be in place for us to be in school.

I wish I could tell you that we have a firm timeline for bringing back 5th and 6th graders to four-days per week in-person instruction. We are actively working on it, but there are challenges. At this point, it is easier for us to bring back these students in our smaller schools than in our larger ones. The very complexity that afforded our larger schools more flexibility during hybrid learning creates greater logistical challenges. Our plan is to bring Charlotte and Hinesburg 5th and 6th graders back for four days per week instruction as early as November 16th and continue working with Shelburne and Williston in hopes of bringing their 5th and 6th graders back after the Thanksgiving break - but no sooner than December 7th. As we have done in the past, we will survey families to learn their preference of instructional model (4 days-per-week in-person or fully remote).

I wish you all a very lovely November weekend. Be well.


Opening Criteria:

Our criteria for operating school in-person includes:
  • There is no or low COVID activity in our communities
  • Our ability to staff our classrooms is stable and sufficient
  • Our routines are efficient, effective, and trouble spots have been worked out
  • We are able to maintain compliance with Vermont Dept. of Health and Agency of Education guidance
  • We are confident in the Dept. of Health’s ability to respond to any positive cases in our school community


Will students need to quarantine if they have traveled to orange or red zones?

If you travel to a red or orange zone, your student will need to quarantine upon return. Students who need to quarantine because of voluntary travel will not be able to attend in-person instruction for fourteen days, or until receiving a negative test, which may be administered after quarantining for 7 days.

Will the school provide remote learning opportunities for quarantining students?

We do not have the resources or staffing capacity to support remote learning opportunities separate from what is already available. Students who are quarantining because of voluntary travel will not receive instructional support during their quarantine period. They may continue to attend the remote learning sessions that are part of their regular schedule.

Will students who are quarantining as a result of voluntary travel be marked absent?

Yes, their absence will be marked as unexcused.

How does having guests from out of state impact the need to quarantine?

If you are hosting travelers under quarantine in your home or lodging, you do not also need to quarantine. That means you can go to school, work, or the grocery store. However, you need to stay at least 6 feet from the people who are under quarantine. People under quarantine should wear a mask in common spaces, use a separate bathroom, eat separately, and otherwise not be in close contact with the people who are hosting them. Be sure to disinfect commonly touched surfaces, and check yourself for symptoms for 14 days.


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