Thursday, March 18, 2021

Pandemic Self-Portraits at WCS


Liz Demas, art teacher at Williston Central School contributed the following post and the self-portraits. Thank you, Liz, and your students, for sharing your personal and creative portraits. 

I shared the work of some contemporary collage artists with my grades 5-8 art students. Using collage as the medium, the goal was to create a photo realistic self portrait using an enlarged photo of themselves, and various papers: newspaper text, magazines, old maps, and books. My hope is for the students to produce art that reflects this extraordinary time we are living ~ a piece to look back on years from now that documents this surreal time in history. I will say as I worked on mine along with my classes, this was probably the most challenging art assignment I have done!

Credit goes to Judy Klima, art teacher at Edmunds Middle School, who developed the project and shared it with me.

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