Tuesday, May 11, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic - Open to 12-15 Year-Olds!

We are very excited to share this news! If you are the parent/guardian of a student between the ages of 12-15, here's an opportunity for them to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. 

What: Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine clinic at CVU, open to the public by appointment through the Vermont Department of Health

Where: Champlain Valley Union High School, Hinesburg, VT

When: Tuesday, May 18th from 8 am-8 pm (second dose clinic will be June 8th at CVU, scheduled after receiving the first dose)

Who: Open to all, including students ages 12-15 years old

How: Parents/Guardians will need to create an account on the Department of Health website if they haven't already. Once they have an account, they will need to add their child as a "dependent" and register them for an appointment. Parents may accompany their child but they will not have to (by registering them as a dependent, they have given "consent").
*Registration is available as of Thursday, May 13.    

Students who do not attend CVU and whose appointments are during the school day should notify their school of their absence as the state will not be sharing this information with us.


Additional information from the Vermont Agency of Education:

Access to School Buildings

Since adults will have been eligible for vaccination for more than a month at the time the clinics begin, we anticipate that the largest population will be Vermonters between the ages of 12-18. However, all COVID-19 vaccine clinics scheduled as part of this effort will be open to the community. This is a specific exception to the guidance in A Strong and Healthy Year related to visitors in schools.

Parents will also be welcome to attend these clinics with their children if they would like to do so.


Registering in advance for these clinics is the best way to secure a dose, and will simplify the process of providing parent/guardian consent (see below). However, these clinics will have a limited number of doses available on a walk-in basis, as long as students under the age of 18 have parental consent.

Parental Consent

Consent from a parent/guardian is required for students under the age of 18 to receive the vaccine. In an effort to make receiving a vaccine as easy as possible, there are multiple ways that parents can provide consent.

By registering for the vaccine online - Parents/guardians can add their children as dependents in the State's vaccine registration system, and then schedule an appointment for them at their school clinic or another convenient community clinic. As part of that registration process, they will be asked to provide consent for their child to be vaccinated.
  • By registering for the vaccine online - Parents/guardians can add their children as dependents in the State's vaccine registration system, and then schedule an appointment for them at their school clinic or another convenient community clinic. As part of that registration process, they will be asked to provide consent for their child to be vaccinated.
  • By registering for the vaccine using the call center - Parents/guardians can call the state's call center (press "1" to use a language other than English) to make a vaccine appointment for their child. As part of that registration process, they will be asked to provide consent over the phone.
  • By attending the clinic with their child - Clinics will provide limited 'walk-in' vaccine doses. If students have their parent/guardian with them, they will be able to provide consent at that time. As a reminder, the best way for students to guarantee their dose is to register in advance.
  • Over the phone during the clinic - If the student attends a clinic as a walk-in without their parent/guardian present, the clinic registration staff will be able to accept and document parental consent over the phone, similar to the call center process. As a reminder, the best way for students to guarantee their dose is to register in advance.

In addition to the school and community-based clinics, they will be able to make appointments to receive the vaccines at pharmacies that offer the Pfizer vaccine. At this time, that includes Kinney Drugs, CVS, Hannaford, and Costco. Students and families can choose to make their appointment wherever is most convenient for them.

1 comment:

  1. I could just hug all of you at CVU for this. Thank you.


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