Friday, July 2, 2021

A Warm Welcome from CVSD's New Superintendent

Good Friday afternoon CVSD!

I am so excited to begin my tenure as the Champlain Valley School District Superintendent. From the Little League baseball fields outside of my office window and the church bells ringing on the hour, to the rainbows on the back-to-back days when I arrived, my joy is overflowing to serve here in your district as superintendent. Though I will oversee the district, I, too, will be a CVSD resident and a parent who will send students to our schools. As we transition from the distance and hybrid learning of the last 18 months to more recognizable instruction for the next school year, we must learn from each other what was missed, what worked well, and what we need to sunset. Like you, I want to ensure that we provide the schools that our students and community deserve. However, CVSD cannot create those schools alone. We are counting on students, families, and the community to help us.

First, this coming fall will be an exciting time. Our students and staff will return to their campuses five days a week. In preparation for the return, many of our schools are undergoing renovations to improve the learning environment. Thanks to additional federal and state funding, our school district will implement a COVID Strategic Response Plan with three main components: Social-Emotional Learning, Student Engagement, and Academic Success. CVSD has created a website and survey for the community to learn more about and provide input for the plan.

Next, so we can engage with parents and families about the plan and introduce myself to the community, we have identified several occasions to inform and seek feedback on the Strategic Response Plan and for me to meet attendees to local events. Members of the CVSD administration and I intended to be present at the Williston Book Sale on July 2, but the weather has impacted that plan. So instead, I will be at the Hinesburg Parade on July 4, the Grange on the Green in Charlotte on July 8, and at the Shelburne Farmers’ Market on July 10. Please find me and say hi!

I look forward to meeting you and your current, future, and past students of CVSD over the next few weeks. Please stop by one of the events in July so I may introduce myself to you. If you cannot stop by this time, I will attend school Curriculum Nights and extracurricular activities, so do not hesitate to say hello for the first time or for the second or third time at that point. Have a great holiday weekend with your family, and I hope to meet you soon.

Rene Sanchez, Superintendent

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Champlain Valley School District

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