Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Leading the Way with Digital Learning

CVSD’s Director of Digital Learning & Communication, Bonnie Birdsall, was recently presented with the Frank Watson Award. This honor was bestowed upon Bonnie at Vita-Learn’s annual Vermont Fest Conference in Killington.

As Vita-Learn stated in their press release, “Bonnie is highly-respected among her peers, and she has demonstrated leadership through her actions in her own district and statewide including championing the student data privacy work,” noted Robert Gervais, Technology Director of the Missisquoi Valley School District and Vita-Learn Board President.

The Frank Watson award is presented to a person whose many years of devoted service, vision, and leadership have significantly advanced Vermont educational technology at the local, regional, and state level.

In the nomination, Bonnie is noted for her work around student data privacy, which she is focused on along with CVSD’s network administrator, Mike Kanfer. We shared information about that work in this blog post from 2019. That very important work continues. In addition, Bonnie collaborates with the district’s digital learning leaders and librarians to ensure that there are equitable opportunities for all students in the realm of digital learning. Those groups helped to develop the district’s Digital Learning Plan, completed at the end of the last school year, which guides the district's efforts for the next three years. She believes that technology and digital tools can enhance and support learning, making it possible for students to create, collaborate, communicate, and think critically.

Bonnie was a classroom teacher in Williston for many years before transitioning to the role of digital learning leader there. She has been in her current district position since 2018.

Congratulations, Bonnie, and thank you for the work you do on behalf of CVSD’s students and schools.


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