Friday, June 10, 2022

Rising Star at CCS

Congratulations to Andrew Lounsbury, middle level science educator at Charlotte Central School! Andrew was selected to receive the Rising Star Award from the Vermont Association of Middle Level Education. (VAMLE)

According to the VAMLE website:

The Vermont Association for Middle Level Education (VAMLE) honors a Vermont middle level educator who has been passionate about teaching young adolescents and uses middle level best practices for three years or less. Three educators have been recognized by the VAMLE Board for the Rising Star Award this year based on their outstanding efforts and successes as relatively new middle level educators.

Andrew was nominated by his colleague and mentor, Allan Miller during the 2020-2021 school year.

Mr. Miller, now an educator at Williston Central School, notes in describing Andrew’s effects on students, “‘Relationships first’ - as we know middle level students are unique, and not all educators have the passion to connect with them in all their quirkiness, emotions, and energy. But it’s clear from being online or in-person with Andrew that he ‘gets’ them and that he is about connecting with them. Students show up to his office hours just to tell jokes, to share about their new dog or come to be part of the online Chess Club he started just because they enjoy being around him.”

Allan also mentioned, “When I meet with the team, I truly have to remind myself that this is really his [Andrew’s] first year as a teacher - his impact has been that significant already. He truly was the right person at the right time for the CCS Omega Team, and one we hope will be part of CCS for many years to come. Honestly some days I come away feeling like I’ve learned more from him than he from me . . . which is awesome!” It’s a valuable advantage as a team member to have a novice teacher play such a responsible role in the team’s success with students and in organizing challenging alterations in the schedule—a role that Andrew has clearly embraced.

Andrew with VAMLE's Executive Director Dave F. Brown and CCS principals Jen Roth and Stephanie Sumner

Congratulations, Andrew, and thank you for your many contributions to the students of CCS.

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