Thursday, September 8, 2022

It's Time to Take An Access Course!

We are excited to pass along this announcement from our friends at Access CVU. If you haven't had a chance to take a course (or teach one!) please explore the many offerings. 

Access CVU logo

Greetings from Laura and Jen 

at Access CVU!

Fall/Winter 2022- Registration Is Now Open!

Access CVU, your Community Education Program, is back in action with another semester of amazing enrichment for both in-person and online learners. In-person classes take place at CVU High School and start after 4pm, Monday-Thursday. Online classes are offered through Zoom.

Over 200 classes (new classes added monthly!) 

and 89 local instructors.

Enroll today! Popular classes fill quickly and low enrollment leads to canceled classes. Invite your family and friends!

New classes and instructors are added every month! Don't miss out; sign-up for the weekly Access CVU Newsletter.
  • Follow us on Instagram @accesscvu for class announcements and PROMOS!
Thank you for supporting Access CVU and keeping community education thriving in CVSD. We hope to see you soon!

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