Wednesday, December 14, 2022

CVU's Math League's Historic Win

 Thank you to CVU educator, Charlie MacFadyen for sharing this exciting news. 

Yesterday, the CVU Math League team traveled to Colchester to compete against 14 other schools in our region and came away with the win! This is the first CVU 1st-place finish in Math League that anyone can remember (and most likely ever). South Burlington placed second and Essex third. Combined with their second-place finish in Meet 1, CVU now leads the league heading into Meet 3. There are five meets in all (ending in March) so there's still work to be done, but this is the best-ever start for the team.

Individual honors went to Elias Leventhal for top papers in Arithmetic and Advanced and Wylie Ricklefs for a top paper in Arithmetic. They were joined by Jacob Graham, Keaton St. Martin, and Sam Yager for a perfect team paper, sealing the win. It was a strong overall team effort, with contributions by Anna Dauerman, Patterson Frazier, Dan Knight, Thomas Garavelli, David Merchant, Veronica Miskavage, Clay Nicholson, Lily O’Brien, and Julia Shrier.

Even more important than winning is the camaraderie and enthusiasm in this fine group!

Thanks as always to Kiran McCormick for all his help with the team.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the CVU Math League! It's so nice to hear about the accomplishments of local mathematicians. Here's to your continued success in future meets!


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